When I was younger I was obsessed with thick eyebrows. Mine are already quite thick, but to me, that simply wasn't enough. I wanted them to be even thicker. Like 'Cara Delevingne thick' if you know what I mean. So, of course, I had to draw them. And they turned out awful. When I look at my old pictures I keep wondering why nobody was honest about it. Why no one told me that I should reconsider my options (lol). But when I think again I see that people were honest. Just that their delivery was awful.

These days it's all about honesty. How being honest is important, how everyone hates being lied to, how full of shit everyone seems to be these days. And I agree. Honesty is probably one of the most important qualities of any relationship. If people are honest with you, half of your problems are solved. But it's not always that easy.
Sometimes people seem to forget that being plain honest can be hurtful too. That's why many use the expression ''the truth hurts''. But the truth doesn't have to hurt if you know how to express yourself so that the other person doesn't feel attacked or embarrassed. You have the right, to be honest, but you don't have the right to hurt someone and later on defend yourself by saying you were ''just being honest''.
There have been many times in my life when people told me that I can't deal with the truth. Or that I can't deal with honesty. I've been told that I'm so hot-blooded that every time someone tries to be honest I flip. But that's not the case. Honesty is something that I've always loved about the people in my life. I actually think that one of my best qualities is honesty and I'm very proud of it. But what I do hate is people who give me an attitude for no good reason.
Why would I listen to someone that's talking to me like they're picking a fight? If I get a feeling that you're picking a fight with me, a fight is what you'll get. That's just the way I am. So when it came to my ''eyebrow game'' if I got a feeling that someone was just trying to be mean, I'd be mean back. And later I'd hear how I ''can't handle the truth'', just because I don't let people f*** with me (so to speak).
At the end of the day, not everyone has your back. Sometimes people actually really do just want to hurt you and they disguise it as ''being honest''. But those individuals have no idea what real honesty means and that it's actually about lifting people up, not bringing them down.

Certain things in life, especially these kinds of situations say a lot more about others than they do about you if a person knows how to look past all the bullshit and see the real truth.
Just remember, when someone really does have your back they'll say it in such a way that you won't have to doubt it. After all... it's not what you say, it's how you say it that counts.
With love, Nina