Thinking about what to write can be very difficult. Especially if you have so much to say, so many thoughts to share.
I’m only 20 years old and I’ve already experienced so much. The good and the bad. Thinking about a time when I had no idea what on earth could I possibly blog about seems funny, almost stupid now.
When people meet me the first impression they get is usually that I’m cocky or bitchy. I can’t even count on two hands how many times I’ve heard that. But the truth is that I’m many things to many people. We all are. We are shaped and formed by the people around us- the ones that love us and the ones that hate us. We’ll never be the same person to two completely different human beings. And that’s okay. We shouldn’t be. Because the ones that belong in our life will always see us for who we really are and love us despite our flaws.
I believe that I’m not the only person in this world that’s struggling with her own identity and so many other issues. I hope that some of you can find comfort in the idea that you’re not alone and that you never really will be.
Sharing my deepest thoughts and worries like this felt very scary at first. There are many that don’t like me and that probably never will, no matter what I do. But our purpose in life isn’t about being liked by people that don’t even know who we are. It’s about carrying on despite them. And knowing that we did everything we could to be sincerely happy. Not just happy in the general sense of speaking. But happy with ourselves as human beings. Happy with who we have become and who we’re about to become even further on in life.
I’ve always liked when my friends asked me for advice or simply for my help. And they’ve always found me helpful. So why not try and be helpful to the rest of the world? If we have something meaningful to say we should say it. Because words are powerful tools and we should never ever waste them. You’d never waste a glass of perfectly good wine, now would you?
With love, Nina